Hong Kong Figure Skating Championships 2024 will be held from 27 to 28 May 2024, at Festival Walk Glacier. Please find the FS announcement, Planned Program Content Form, and the Declaration form for Competitor and Coach for your information.


Please apply for the event from the below link:



All entries should be submitted via the Online Application System. Please fill in and scan the PPC form and declaration form, and then upload the forms and MP3 in the Google form before 24th April 2024.

(3)Entry Fee HKD500.

繳費方法 Payment Method:



Crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong China Skating Union Limited” is accepted.  Mail address: Room 1023, Olympic House, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


(2) 轉帳至以下銀行戶口

You can settle the payment by bank transfer:

Account Name / 收款人戶口名字 : Hong Kong China Skating Union Limited
Bank Code: 024
Account No./ 賬戶號碼: 383-527496-883
Name of the Bank /銀行名稱 Hang Seng Bank Limited
Bank SWIFT code / 銀行國際代碼 HASEHKHHXXX
Address of the Bank / 銀行地址: 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
FPS 轉數快 accounting@hksu.org



*HKSU reserves its right to refuse any application without giving any reasons or explanation.

規程 / announcement


表格 / Forms

Declaration Form_HKC2024

Declaration Form_HKC2024



****Deadline 截止日期 : 24 April 2024****