- 辦公室暫不對外開放,只接受以電郵、郵寄或快遞方式處理文件。
- 辦公時間調整為上午十時至下午四時 (10:00-16:00)。
以上安排將維持至另行通知,如有任何查詢,請電郵 hksu@hkolmpic.org 或Facebook即時信息與本會職員聯絡。
To reduce the risk of spread of the covid-19 in the community, our office has a special work arrangement starting from 10th of February.
- Our office is not open for visit and will provide limited services. Members should contact or enquire by mail or email. If nesscary, please contact us for arrangement.
- Office hours will be from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
The special work arrangement will maintain until further notice, for any queries, please contact our staff by email hksu@hkolmpic.org or Facebook messages.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.