Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2021

Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2021 will be held from 28 to 29 June, 2021

Announcement and declaration form for Competitor and Coach has already been sent out via email. For skater of Figure Skating, you are required to send us the Planned Program Content Form. Please apply the event from the below link:

Figure Skating: https://forms.gle/HTxZ9ZZEiHBFmuLr7
Short Track Speed Skating: https://forms.gle/91TFshYYP1RF9jHV9

All entries should be submitted via Online Application System. Please mailed the crossed cheque, PPC form and the signed declaration form to HKSU office on or before 16 May, 2021. Late application will not be accepted.

The anti-epidemic measures may be changed due to the spread of covid-19 in the community. Therefore, HKSU will update and inform participants if there is any change.

Entry Fee HKD500.

Only crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Skating Union Limited” is accepted. The skaters will be informed on or before 29 May, 2021 if their entries are confirmed and if not, the entry fee will be refunded.

*HKSU reserves its rights to refuse any application without giving any reasons or explanation.