Consultation Exercise of HKSU Members Management Regulation

The Executive Committee (EC) of HKSU is reviewing the HKSU Members Management Regulation (MMR), Chapter Six, 3, (B), b), ii, regarding members score calculation, Assessment by Coaches. The related contents in the MMR are as follows:

Assessment by Coaches: Candidates, who join the trainings organized by HKSU, will be assessed by the coaches for their performance and levels. Candidates will receive an assessment report and obtain a score. The score will be accumulated for the individual ranking. Only 1 assessment report will be counted for each month. Each valid assessment report scores 100 HKSU Score.

The EC of HKSU believes there is space to be improved for any item in the HKSU MMR and the feedback from our members is really important during the review of HKSU MMR. Therefore we start the consultation exercise; any HKSU member is welcome to contribute your views for the above mentioned item or any other items in the HKSU MMR, the consultation period is May 10 to May 19, 2013. All views should be submitted in written by fax or email to 25048191 or, or submit in person to HKSU office in working hours to Room 1023, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.