Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2022

Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2022 will be held from 21 to 22 June, 2022. Please find the FS announcement, Planned Program Content Form and the Declaration form for Competitor and Coach and Timeslot reservation form for your information. Please apply the event from the below link: https://forms.gle/wkgupKSSMAHr6sYQ9 Entry Fee […]

Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2022 Read More »


本會香港滑冰聯盟之義務司庫 – 張意恩小姐 (Ms. Cheung Yee Yan) 已於31/3/2022退任司庫職務。同時經本會執委會通過委任 – 葉丹丹小姐(Ms. Yip Tan Tan)由1/4/2022起接替本會義務司庫一職及加入成為本會執委會成員。 我們感謝張意恩小姐多年的傑出貢獻,使本會多年維持財政穩健,以其專業知識協助本會發展及成長。

本會司庫變更事宜 Read More »

辦事處工作特別安排Special arrangements for office hour

由於本地疫情嚴峻,為避免接觸以減低感染新型肺炎的風險,辦公室自2月10日起將有以下特別安排: 辦公室暫不對外開放,只接受以電郵、郵寄或快遞方式處理文件。 辦公時間調整為上午十時至下午四時 (10:00-16:00)。 以上安排將維持至另行通知,如有任何查詢,請電郵 hksu@hkolmpic.org 或Facebook即時信息與本會職員聯絡。 不便之處,敬請原諒。     To reduce the risk of spread of the covid-19 in the community, our office has a special work arrangement starting from 10th of February. Our office is not open for visit and will provide limited services. Members should contact or enquire by mail or email.

辦事處工作特別安排Special arrangements for office hour Read More »

FS & STSS training suspend

According to the updated government announcement, all ice rinks are restricted to a temporary closure under the regulation 599F until further notice. Therefore, all HKSU training will be suspended. We would further update you if there is any change in the training arrangement. Thank you for your attention.

FS & STSS training suspend Read More »



恭賀本會榮譽會長霍啟剛先生成功當選2021年體育、演藝、文化及出版界功能組別立法會議員 Read More »