Hong Kong China Skating Union


Selection Mechanism for 2025 Asian Winter Games


The 9th Asian Winter Games will be held from February 7 to February 14, 2025 in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, the People’s Republic of China. HKSU will nominate representatives to participate in three events, including Figure Skating, Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating. In order to select the suitable athletes to represent the Hong Kong team at the 9th Asian Winter Games in Harbin in 2025, HKSU has formed a selection mechanism for each event. Qualified athletes can apply to HKSU:

A.   基本要求Eligibility: 

1)    參加者必須持有香港特區護照及於202471日之前,最少年滿17歲。

You must be a HKSAR passport holder and at least 17 years old before 1st July, 2024.

2)    參加者必須於20241110日前完成ADEL 國際級運動員教育計劃之課程並獲得証書。

You must complete the ADEL Course of International – Level Athlete’s Education Program and obtained the Certificate before 10th November, 2024

有關ADEL 國際級運動員教育計劃之課程指引   Instruction for DEL Course of International – Level Athlete’s Education Program

有關ADEL 國際級運動員教育計劃之課程網站連結    Website of DEL Course of International – Level Athlete’s Education Program

B. 選拔方案Selection criteria 

花樣滑冰 Figure Skating (優先次序由ac)(Priority from a to c) 

a.    ISU四大洲花樣滑冰錦標賽最低綜合技術分,有關技術分必須是當前24/25賽季取得或上賽季(23/24)取得,技術分由   高至低排列:Minimum Combined Total Elements Scores (Four Continents Figure Skating Championships) during the ongoing season (2024/25) or the immediately preceding seasons (2023/24), CTES from high to low:

b.    剩下提名名額由全國錦標賽(成年組)的最高排名港隊運動員獲得,有關比賽於20241129日至121日在河北舉行。如你不持有ISU四大洲花樣滑冰錦標賽最低綜合技術分,你須參加全國錦標賽(成年組),否則你的申請或不會被考慮。Left vacant will be assigned to the skaters who have highest ranking in National Figure Skating Championships held in Hebei, China from 29 November to 1 December. If you are not Four CC CTES holders, you are required to attend this event, otherwise, HKSU may not consider your application.

c.    剩下提名名額由現時HKSU 國際比賽(成年組)選拔方案計算積分,積分較高者取得名額。

Left vacant will be assigned to skater who has higher score under HKSU international selection method.

 ISU四大洲花樣滑冰錦標賽最低綜合技術分   ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships CTES: 

Category 項目

CTES 最低綜合技術分

MEN 男單





速度滑冰-大道 Speed Skating-Long Track (優先次序由ab)(Priority from a to c)

 a.    短道速滑世界巡迴賽500米最低入圍時間:男子 45.83 / 女子48.04秒,速度較快者優先。

Short Track World Tour 500m Qualifying Time: Men 45.83s / Women 48.04s. Priority from fast to slow. 

b.    剩下提名名額分配方法:202371日之後參加的國際賽中500米的最快時間由快至慢排列。男子運動員成績不慢於50秒,女子運動員不慢於52秒。

Left vacant will be assigned to the skaters who joined 500 meters distance in International Competitions. The 500meter distance results is no slower than 50.00s for Men and 52.00 for Women. 

c.    擁有大道速滑經驗,曾在大學學習大道速滑或參加比賽。

Having Experience in Long Track Speed Skating. The skaters are learning Long Track Speed Skating in the university and joined Long Track Speed Skating Competition before.


短道速度滑冰 Short Track Speed Skating (優先次序由ab)(Priority from a to b)

a.    短道速滑世界巡迴賽500米最低入圍時間:男子 45.83 / 女子48.04秒,速度較快者優先。

Short Track World Tour 500m Qualifying Time: Men 45.83s / Women 48.04s. Priority from fast to slow. 

b.    剩下提名名額分配方法: 202371日之後參加的國際賽中500米的最快時間由快至慢排列。男子運動員成績不慢於50秒,女子運動員不慢於52秒。

Left vacant will be assigned to the skaters who joined 500 meters distance in International Competitions. The 500meter distance results is no slower than 50.00s for Men and 52.00 for Women. 



1.    奧委會亦訂立有關是否接受提名的準則。奧委會有最終決定權是否接納本會的提名。

SF&OC have Election Criteria for accept the nomination. SF&OC has the final rights to decide whether the nomination will be accepted or not.

2.    提名是按順序提交,如優先提名的運動員不被接納,將自動考慮其他運動員的提名。

The nomination will be submitted by selection order, if there is a prior nomination not accepted by SF&OC, the
alternative nomination will be automatically considered by SF&OC.

3.    亞運速度滑冰-大道及短道速度滑冰參加的個人單項由總教練根據訓練表現決定,不得異議。

Based on the training performance before Asian Winter Games, Head Coach is the final decision maker who decide athletes to join which single distance in the competition of Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating. No objected is accepted.


Application period from November 1, 2024 to November 10, 2024 at 18:00.

結果公佈:2024年11月13日 < 提名名單 >

The Selection Result announced at November 13, 2024 < Nomination List >

申請人需在截止日前,填寫及簽署申請表格 HKSUEntryForm並列明參加2025亞洲冬季運動會,電郵至entries@hksu.org

Applicant need to fill in and sign on the “HKSUEntryForm” and specify to apply in 2025 Asian Winter Games, and email to entries@hksu.org before the application deadline.



Appeal Mechanisms of Selection for 2025 Asian Winter Games



HKSU has formulated a selection mechanism for the 2025 Asian Winter Games (read for details – The Selection mechanism for 2025 Asian Winter Games). In order to protect the rights of relevant athletes, HKSU has also developed the following appeal mechanism to allow athletes with reasonable reasons to lodge complaints if there are any objections on the selection result. The Athletes can submit an appeal request to HKSU according to this “Appeal Mechanisms of Selection for 2025 Asian Winter Game” for hearing by HKSU’s Appeal Committee.



The Mechanism is as follows:


1)    運動員需於公佈名單後48小時內向協會提交書面上訴。有關上訴理據必須連同上訴信件交付或電郵至協會;

Athletes must submit a written appeal to HKSU within 48 hours after the selection result announced. The grounds for appeal must be delivered or emailed to the Association together with the appeal letter;


2)    在接獲上訴書後,協會主席將委任至少三名成員組成上訴委員會(不包括參與是次遴選之遴選委員會成員),並在上訴委員會組成後七個工作天內召開聆訊,處理有關之上訴事宜。聆訊結果將於聆訊後三個工作天內以書面回覆上訴人,一經判決,即為最後之判決。

After receiving the appeal, the HKSU’s Chairman will appoint at least three members to form an Appeal Committee (excluding the members of the selection committee who participated in this selection), a hearing for relevant appeal will be held within seven working days after the Appeal Committee formed. The result of the hearing will be reply to the appellant in writing within three working days after the hearing. Once the decision is made, it will be final.



Written appeal and documents can be submitted by post, fax or email via the following contact information:


Mailing address: The Hong Kong China Skating Union, Room 1023, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

傳真號碼:(852) 2504 8191

Fax: (852) 2504 8191


Email: enquiry@hksu.org